#killjoy x reader
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hollowbutcanlove · 7 months ago
Correspondence with Valorant agents Pt.2
TW: foul language
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wisteriaiswriting · 1 month ago
Caught Making Out With Their S/O
Words: 435
Request: Clove Jett neon and killjoy being walked in on while making out with S/O reader by an older agent like brimstone
Requested by: @golem543
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“Clove, aren’t you meant to be training right now?” “Yeah, but it can wait, I can’t!” Your words only encouraged them, their hands moving even quicker across your body. Becoming less and less careful as the seconds passed, teeth nipping your lip.
“Clove, did you find–” As light poured into the small space you both jumped off eachother. In the doorway was Sova, who was clearly looking for Clove, who was in here with you. “Uhh, no?” “I see…” Slowly closing the door as you two still stood there, it was clear their training wasn’t going to happen today.
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“Where are those two?” Everyone else was back, except for you and Jett. While Brimstone was worried he also knew you two could handle yourselves, but it didn’t stop him going out to search for you two. Luckily enough all the enemies had cleared out, so he came across none. 
“C’mon Han, we gotta get going, they’re probably waiting for us.” You got no verbal response from her, instead she pulled you back into your little ‘private time’. “Han, we–” “Jett, Y/N.”
In a panic you shoved Jett off you, accidentally sending her onto the ground. “Brimstone! We were, uh…” “Just… hurry back.”
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“Yeah? What else happened?” Your girlfriend was trying to tell you a story, except for the fact you kept interrupting her. And not the normal, chatting way, no. You were cutting her off by giving her kisses, which has caused her to become distracted.
Stopping her story to keep your lips locked. Although this caused you both to not pay attention to anything outside you two, mainly a certain someone calling out for Neon and then the door opening.
“Neon, Sage needs…” Sighing when neither of you flinched the slightest, “Amor joven, she’ll understand.” Letting the door shut behind her.
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“Where have you two gone?” Cypher muttered as he flipped through the cameras, nearly every screen showed nothing. On the other hand, you two were smart, or rather Killjoy was. Pulling you into a small side room out of view of any cameras.
“Woah, Klara, I just got back. Slow down will ya?” Hearing her whine from where she was attached at your neck, “But Liebe, you were gone for so long!” Moving up from your now bruised neck, focusing on your lips.
“I know bu–” “So this is where you were hiding?” Instantly Klara backed off while you tried to hide the marks, but you knew it was no use. Of course Cypher had to come in now, and he wasn't even surprised. You bet he knew what he was doing.
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floppydiskettess · 2 years ago
featuring - sage, killjoy, cypher, yoru, sova, gekko, viper
a/n : cyphers part contains a lot of angst and alcohol talk. i couldnt let it ALL be fluff 😋
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✮~ Sage ~✮
literally the sweetest ever, but this doesn't need to be said
if its a minor injury, she will definitely be giving you a talk about being safer and how to prevent that from happening
"but what if it was something more serious? something even I couldn't heal? you must be more careful angel."
if her s/o was harmed badly, she would do two things.
one, she would immedietely drop everything and rush towards healing you, this woman will stay up all night trying to heal you and make sure that there is not so much as a scratch left on your body. she would definitely overwork herself but making sure you are alright is all that matters.
two, the second you are stable and resting, she is going to find out whichever enemy agent hurt you and fuck. them. up.
im talking full battle sage, she will have no mercy if the injury they caused was threatening enough.
she may excude sweet and kind energy but she is one scary lady when the people she loves are harmed
she knows exactly how damaged a body must be for it to be unfixable.
"I'm so sorry I couldn't be there my dear, but they won't be hurting you again."
she will be watching you carefully, even asking brimstone to take you off of missions for a short time or asking him to keep an eye on you.
she doesn't know what she would do if she lost you..
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☻︎~ Killjoy ~︎︎☹︎
she blames herself, how could she not? she designed most of the stuff...it must be a error in her inventions.
she will work night and day trying to figure out what happened. was it a weapon error? did the gun she designed for you malfunction? oh no was she to blame for anyone elses injuries?!
it would take a lot of reassurance for her to calm down. after all, this wouldn't have happened if she had been more careful...right?
"Mein gott...you scared me. I thought I lost you schatzi..."
she is going to be by your side after sage discharges you from her infirmary. expect lots of physical affection (if your comfortable with it.) and care.
she will treat you as if you were glass about to break. you will not be doing any chores while you recover.
oh you need to work on a mission report? its already finished and submitted. you are hungry? she would cook a lovely meal her parents would make her when she was sick. (with the help of some other agents...shes probaly not a great cook lets be honest..)
"KJ...Sage gave me the all clear! I can do it!"
" Nein nein! You are going to rest mein Häschen! I don't want you straining yourself!"
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♖~ Cypher ~♖
if you get injured, be it minor or major. this man will WORRY.
he already lost everything, he cannot lose you either. if he did...he would have nothing.
when sage showed up at his door covered in blood and bruises. he knew something went wrong.
you told him you were going on a small mission. just an in and out radianite extraction at an abandoned lab. he had no reason to worry...right?
when he heard what had happened, he was devastated. what was supposed to be a quick mission turned out to be a setup. what makes it worse? you were alone at your site.
he will be thinking the worst. what if you...? if he had only done a more detailed check on the lab...maybe he could have protected you. but he didn't. he feels like he failed.
you spend weeks in the recovery bay, lying unconcious.
he spends those weeks without you in his lab drinking the memories away and trying to figure out what happened.
he just cannot function with the thought of losing you at the back of his mind at all times.
he knows he was caught when viper appears at his doorway with a concerned glare and a solemn looking sage in tow. he can't remember most of it, but viper was worried? about him?
soon he was also transported to sages infirmary. getting put on nutrients and oxygen. it was obvious he was not taking care of himself without your presence
when you wake up, he would be right there cradling your cheek with his hand. his mask nowhere in sight. all that matters was that you were safe now
"يا حياتي..i was so scared i lost you"
he will never forget his past, but he looks forward to his future with you.
can you tell i like cypher guys :)
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☁︎~ Yoru ~☁︎
do not even get me started on this man
he would be extremely angry.
but is it at you, the others, or maybe himself?"
upon hearing the news, he would immediately check on you. seeing your unconcious body just makes something in him snap. the thought that someone had done this to you...he plants a soft kiss to your temple, before storming out of the infirmary.
for the next few days, he would lash out at everyone around him. sage came around to bring him some food as he had not left his room and he just...lost it.
he wasn't even sure who he was yelling at, who he was blaming for what happened. poor sage looked petrified and the others seemed to gather the idea yoru didn't want to be talked too right now.
with no word from anybody about your condition, he lay down on his bed and cried numbly. every night he would teleport into where sage had kept you to heal. he would sit in silence staring at your asleep face before always kissing your forehead goodbye. in hopes that somehow, you would wake up.
he went to your room and grabbed some sweaters of yours, every night he slept with them for comfort, clinging onto them as if they were going to leave him too.
when you wake up, he won't care about keeping his mysterious "badass" persona up. he will be at your side holding your hand and crying.
"please be more careful 私の日光...i don't know what i would do if i lost you."
when sage discharges you, he will be glued to you. he will simple little things for you (such as opening doors for you.)
his love language is definitely acts of service
if you teased him about this though, he will never admit to it.
he will be doing simple things such as cooking meals, cleaning up, and helping you finish any work you have
he is so domestic
he may not be super outwardly affectionate, but with each small favour he does for you he is putting all of his love into it.
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𖦹~ Sova ~𖦹
sova is literally the most caring boyfriend...like ever..
if its a minor injury, he will treat it (if sage and skye are off on a mission).
he will definitely lightly scold you, not to be mean! just because he hates seeing you hurt and in pain.
"ангел. please be more careful next time..you know i hate seeing you upset."
if it was a major injury though, he is relatively the same.
he isn't scared to cry infront of the others, when he gets the news that your mission went south he was crying into sages shoulder.
he would stay with you the entire recovery. sage had to keep kicking him out at nighttime but eventually she realized she couldn't stop him. she simply would bring meals for him whenever he would forget to eat.
he would sit and tell you about his day, how the missions were going, even the silly schenanigans that the younger agents were pulling
"yoru tried to get revenge on phoenix for his prank but it went so bad ангел. he entered his rift and jumped out to scare him, but reyna happened to have just been passing by! she was absolutely livid родная. i have never seen our dear riftwalker so terrified!" he chuckled
when you woke up, he was still there lightly snoring against the chair sage had brought him.
when he woke up, he was thrilled, his eyes immediately lighting up like a childs
"have you been sitting here the whole time?"
"of course my dear. as if i would leave you."
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߷~ Gekko ~߷
as the newest agent, he hasn't known you for very long. your relationship was coming up to a few months old but he hadn't told you how much he loved you yet.
so naturally, when he heard you were injured he was terrified
he knew this job was dangerous! he just never thought it would be you getting injured...he also never really thought of anyone getting badly injured
he was training with harbour when he overheard a mission going wrong...a mission you were on.
he would rush to the infirmary overloading sage with questions about you
"Sage!! Finally...que pasó?? Neon told me something happened on the mission?!"
Appariently, you had gotten caught in a fight with the enemy Breach and he hit you with his aftershock.
He didn't know much about Breach, but he knew that man had quite a bit of strength in his abilities (being like...bionic you know?"
After some skillful and strategic convincing (pathetic and annoying begging) Sage agreed to take him to see you.
When he caught sight of you lying in the bed staring up at the ceiling, he let out a big sigh he didn't even know he was holding.
"Mi sol! Oh mierda I was so worried! What happened?"
He would be sitting patiently listening to you explain what happened. All while staring at you softly.
"Shooottt...sounds like you had a busy mission! I am just happy you made it back cariño."
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☠︎︎~ Viper ~ ☠︎︎
if you were minorly injured, it was probably from tinkering with her poison vials and one leaked onto your fingers
after hearing your grunt in pain, she turns around and her eyes widen, rushing towards you.
"Idiot, I said not to touch anything!"
she swears under her breath before wiping it away and rubbing some sort of cream onto your hand
"Honestly..who would touch something containing poison WITHOUT protection?"
her biggest fear? her poison causing you harm.
so what if a mission were to go wrong and you happened to step into a bubble of her poison?
it was a genuine wrong place wrong time situation. she had a poison bubble deployed and sitting on the ground, as she activated it she looked up to see your frame walking overtop of it.
she shouts to get you to move, but you don't hear her in time. next thing she knows, you are on the ground out cold with green and purple lines all over your face.
she quickly would call for backup, holding you tight but trying to avoid the chemical burns.
when she is back to safety, she rushes to sage's infirmary with your barely warm body in her arms
unfortunately, the poison had seeped into some open wounds you had. causing it to spread throught your body. viper leaves sage alone to do her job, pacing back and forth outside.
she knew how strong her poison could be, but she also knew how strong your body was. you would survive. you had too.
after a few hours, a tired sage walks out and nods, signaling it went well.
viper rushed into the room and immediately looked at your sleeping face, wincing at the fading bloodshot lines on your face.
"i'm so sorry love..please wake up soon"
she would wait by your side holding your hand and occasionally planting soft kisses to the back of your hand.
she knew you would be ok, but she couldn't help but feel bad that her miscommunication and carelessness caused this to happen to you.
when you wake up, she would be whispering soft apologies into your ear
"i promise...you will never feel this pain again my dear."
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a/n : holy shit guys!!!! this took a while!! i spent a good 4 hours writing all this JDJSBSJSKSKSN its probably cringe im sorry
but yeah! i tried my best to write this with a gender neutral reader in mind but in some of these its definitely a bit more fem reader leaning! also i do not speak any of the languages spoken in this so if i made a mistake or used something wrong PLEASE let me know so I can fix it!!!
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niphiery · 28 days ago
━01. valorant tweets━
tw. swearing, deathwish.
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zeezelweazel · 2 years ago
Valorant| Going against your omega double|
I'm so obsessed with the women in this game even though I won't ever touch it :)
Characters included : Jett, Neon, Killjoy, Raze
• Jett •
This was brought up in conversation many times before and Jett had always boasted about how she's going to be totally unaffected.
"Pfft what? Why would it matter if it has my girlfriend's face? It's still an enemy from omega earth. And not my girlfriend at all. There's no way I'd fall for something like that."
Now the time has come for Jett to regret her words.
It's her responsibility to push forward and clear a path for Killjoy so she can defuse the spike while Sage is covering their back. And thank god Sage is there because everything went south really quickly.
It went horrible so fast not even Jett herself could react. One moment she had shot enemy Neon with one of her kunai and the next she was tackled into the ground.
Your double had her pinned using their hips as they pulled out a knife to stab her. Jett's hands were completely free and yet she didn't do anything with them. She was truly frozen, lamely laying there, waiting to get stabbed.
Thankfully for her Killjoy had sent one of her bots to help out. Your double wasn't expecting it so they got defeated with one shot.
Jett is pretty embarrassed by the hole thing, she never wants to bring it up, not even to you.
Also she might be a little shaken up. Just a little.
• Neon •
Much like Jett, Neon didn't think this occasion would affect her at all. She's very confident in her abilities in battle and she trusts herself to get the job done no matter who she has to fight to achieve that.
She forgot that you even had an omega double by the time it happened. It had been so long since you started dating, even longer since she joined the protocol, and yet she's never seen your omega double on a mission.
But today you were on a mission, all right.
You had practically obliterated their entire squad, reaping through their defenses and heading for the site to plant the spike. Before she even knew it, all of her teammates were out of the equation.
It was you against her.
Now, you and Neon had had your fair share of training sessions together so she knew how your powers worked. She also had a basic idea of your advantages and disadvantages but this wasn't you she was fighting.
It may look like you but Neon knows this isn't her girlfriend she's facing.
And yet...
When it all came down to it she hesitated. She had a clear shot, you hadn't even seen her coming but when she looked at your face Neon couldn't bring herself to shoot. Thankfully a half dead and limping Reyna was there to finish the mission. Neon winced when she locked eyes with her mentor.
She was in for one hell of a lecture.
• Killjoy •
The german genius has thought of every possibility and outcome imaginable when it comes to the protocol's missions. She knows very well the possibility she might have to face you in battle is very real.
Even though Killjoy is aware of the chances she still has no real way of preparing and that's what scares her the most.
Will she do it without a problem? Will she hesitate? Will she freeze? Will she kill you and then die of guilt?
She truly can't predict the outcome of such a meeting.
The next mission was the fateful one and the worst part was that both your double and hers were there.
At first everything was fine. Her bots were able to do their job and the situation appeared to be controlled by the other agents. It was only after you injured Yoru that things started to shift and before she knew it they were loosing the fight. That's when she understood what position that left her in. It became necessary for her kill you.
Killjoy was moving towards you as mechanically as her bots and managed to shoot you in the lungs. All was fine until she heard her own voice panicked and shaking, calling out for you. She peaked over the crate she was hiding behind to see her double cradling your injured form in her chest. Tears were clouding her eyes as she desperately called for Sage.
Killjoy couldn't bare to see this, fully knowing that she could be in her double's position. When she returned from this mission you noticed Killjoy was more clingy that usual but you didn't dare ask anything.
• Raze •
Raze was the one who voiced her concern over a predicament like this. You were quick to reassure her but it did little to ease her worries.
Every time she stepped into battle she let out a breath of relief at your absence.
It's not like Raze feels any sort of sympathy for the enemy. It's just different when it comes to you. No matter which earth, you still look the same. Same beautiful eyes and undoubtedly soft hair. How can she be expected to kill you?
In the midst of the battle, Raze would not hesitate.
Turns out that even though she had worries they never stopped her from doing what needed to be done.
She was going to defuse the spike even if you're the one she has to kill to get to it. The fight wasn't particularly easy. It fascinated Raze a little. How even though you look the same and you sound the same and you have the same powers you're a totally different person. Raze has never seen you use your abilities like this in battle. Your omega double had a completely different fighting style.
Of course this didn't faze her at all. She still came out on top. Spyke defused, mission complete. Easy.
Until the adrenaline rush came to an end and she actually thought back to the battle. Her brain had decided to torture her by constantly replaying the memory of her shooting you in the head.
Raze would need your support after this encounter. She knows she's being childish but it can't be helped. She just killed someone who looks exactly like her lover so give her a break.
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floralflytrap · 2 years ago
Maybea few more s/o photographer headcanons - Killjoy, Raze, poly nanobomb
I had quite the fun writing this! Tysm for the request :D
Killjoy, Raze and Nanobomb with Photographer S/O | HEADCANONS
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When she first finds out this girl is FASCINATED! She would have past use with cameras (being a tech nerd and all), but admits that you truly have an eye for a good photo
She asks politely if you can take photos of her latest tech projects. They are like her babies, she needs photos for every single machine she builds <3
You take photos of her working a LOT! She never notices because she’s too busy focusing on her work
Whenever she takes you to raves you always have a camera on you to sneak some sick pictures
You guys also love to take silly photos with a polaroid camera, she keeps them around her room and in her tech lab
Photobooths at random events? a must!
Always the silliest photos with the last picture being a big smooch (it’s staying that way)
She also takes photos of you! She doesn’t believe they are that good but you love them. Killjoy is pretty damn good at whatever she does, and that includes photography
She’s also good at modelling for photos. You’ve done a few photoshoots with her to test compositions and have fallen in love with multiple results.
You love figuring out ways to contrast the environment against Killjoy’s hair due to how bold the dark colour is.
Your favourite photo of her is when she was happily posing with a new robot she created. Her smile was so bright you could see it from the moon!
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She noticed the polaroid photo you kept in your phone case and asked to see it, then ensued a conversation on how she always wanted one but never ended up biting the bullet and buying one.
You had multiple cameras so why not let her borrow it?
She took multiple pictures of inventions or failed ones
You were shocked when she said she ran out of film so quickly and begrudgingly got her more (not without grilling her on how expensive it is for damn polaroid camera film)
She saw you fiddling with one of your more expensive cameras when she popped in to your room to say hi
More questions begun!
“Yo that looks so expensive!”
“Can I use it for spare parts?”
“What do you mean I can’t borrow it?!”
“Just one photo with it please!”
No is a no. You’re just stubborn with her like that
She loves all the cool pictures you get, and whenever you hit up the city she stalks your social media for days waiting to see the latest photo dump
She’s always so flattered whenever you post photos of her, it makes her feel special
Your favourite photo of her is when you hit up the city together and found an amazing graffiti wall. It was golden hour and the way the sun made her glow meanwhile she had a bunch of diverse and cool art behind her? The best.
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Killjoy and Raze dramatically gasped when you suggested photos of the three of you during a date
It wasn’t so much the photo suggestion as much as the big beefy camera that got them gasping
“What?! Y/n that camera is amazing!”
Killjoy has to gently inspect it while Raze peers over your shoulder
You love taking photos of the two of them together, however Killjoy and Raze HATED that you were never in the nice photos unless they were selfies
The two invested in the same type of camera you had together and learnt how to use the model just so you could finally be in fancy photos too!
It was a lot of fun when the three of you compared the photos you took that day, as each of you had your own individual style of photography and technique
Raze loved to capture cool poses with backgrounds that also stood out
Killjoy appreciated a cohesive scene. Colours had to look good together and it had to make sense otherwise it wasn’t her best work
You appreciated getting photos of life itself. Your photos weren’t majorly posed for, but rather spontaneous snaps you take throughout the day
Your favourite picture was a whole photo collage that you three made together using all the photos taken throughout the year, each of you getting one third of the collage
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erxxi3 · 2 years ago
Can I have some hcs or fics for Gekko, Killjoy and Jett x reader who loves playgrounds and amusement parks immensely?
Extremely fast carousels, roller coasters, water slides, mazes, etc.
Would they want to play with me? 🥺❤️
Ofc you can my lovely! <3
They would want to play w anyone yk just having company is good for there mentality.
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- This man would love to take his children (aka wingman, dizzy, and mosh) on a kiddy ride with you only to see your warm smile whenever they do something thats pretty hilarious.
- Gekko is the type of person to win all the rigged games, but when the stall person turns their back he cheats with his abilities. The person didn’t even expect it one bit, yet he still handed you the gigantic teddy bear congratulating you for being the lucky winner of the day.
- The two of you would spend atleast a whole day at the amusement park, until it closed that is. Not knowing what fun surprises await the next day, as he planned this huge event for the two of you to go on the fariswheel to have a good look of everything lit up at night, so romantic perfect enough to where the both of you could kiss! <33
- She definitely would build a amusement park in the HQ with the help of the others, but it isn’t just all done for you it is for everyone because you would be the type to share. Although she likes to take you to the park more because she knows how much you like kids and how they come to you seeing you as a big sister. :)
- The #1 best girlfriend when it comes to winning games it is probably because she is a genius and very good at calculating the perfect time.
- Whenever she goes with you to the playground her best friend raze likes to join in being a third wheel, yet it is so hysterical you can’t help but laugh whenever she gets hurt or does something stupid. Kj loves that you are kind to others and like that you pay extra attention to raze making sure she doesn’t cause any trouble just like a kid. Sometimes you joke around with Kj that she is just like a little girl and you two are the parents, as you can tell she is clearly blushing not denying it at all!
- Definitely wouldn’t go to an amusement park because she would get kicked out in seconds, but she loves rollercoasters. As you take her hand leading her through the big crowd just to wait in line for the newest and tallest roller coaster ever built in the park. Happens to be the fastest one as well, but Jett didn’t like it to be named that title because she was way faster with the wind than the ride.
- Is a menace when it comes to taking you on rides, she picks out the super fastest ones which makes you almost hurl + having left you nauseous.
- she is very affectionate afterwards when you had not been feeling well. The fact that when she did this is was cute seemed as if she was a puppy that wouldn’t leave your side. <33
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A/N: Sorry I made this short really had a writers block having not playing val in a couple months. I tried my best hoping that it was good enough to your liking. 😓
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darlingmisa · 2 years ago
Agents as your gf (Pt.3)
This took so long to get out I almost forgot about this little series but here is the final part <3 I can't believe this was the first thing I ever really posted on here >.<
wc: 903
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She’s like a little giggly teenager allll the time. Absolutely loves pda and showing you off whenever and wherever she can. Drags you everywhere with her (not that you’re complaining) and always has her hand in yours, fingers laced together. She’s just happy to be around you at any time. 
Killjoy definitely doesn’t sleep much, if at all. You practically have to drag her away from her desk and into bed most nights. One thing that always works is promising hours of cuddles. She loves being chest to chest with you, feeling your soft breathing on her neck, and really just loves the feeling of you in her arms. 
At one point made a little bot to follow you around. Something small enough that you can keep it on you but strong enough to protect you if something goes wrong when she’s not around. She knows you can handle yourself just like any of the other agents can, she just gets a little worried sometimes. It's all in love.
Killjoy’s main fear is simply you getting hurt because of her. Whether it's her making a mistake on a mission or one of her creations malfunctioning, she’s terrified of being the reason for any injury of yours. For this reason she usually keeps you out of her lab, or at least away from her main workstation. 
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Sage is another one who isn’t super big on pda unless she sees it’s absolutely necessary at the moment. However this doesn't mean she’s not affectionate. Behind closed doors she’s very loving, holding and making sure you have everything you could need every chance she  gets. 
Being the resident doctor on base, sage knows how important rest can be, which is why she’s adamant on you sleeping in her bed with her every night. Or so she says. She claims that she just wants to make sure you’re sleeping well with no issues, but the way she clings to you in her sleep says otherwise. 
Sage made it clear to brim that you’re not to be assigned a mission if she’s not going along too. Even then she worries that her healing may not be enough to keep you 100% safe. She usually stays close to your side on missions, watching you back and checking any corners you may have missed.
Those rare missions where sage couldn’t come along were the ones that scared her the most. She had no idea if you were safe or not. If you were injured or even dead. She had taught you the basics of tending to your own wounds the best you could if a healer wasn’t around, but even then she couldn’t really calm her nerves until you were back and safe with her.
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Astra doesn’t think of pda as a big thing to worry about, if she wants to hold your hand or hold you, maybe give you a kiss or two, she will. She doesn’t care who’s around, you’re her’s, everyone knows that and if they don’t, she thinks they should.
A big cuddler. Huge on cuddles. Anytime she can just sit and hold you, she will. Especially at night. Whether you two are going to sleep or just resting in one of your beds, Astra’s got an arm around your waist and her head resting on yours. She swears she sleeps best when you’re there, and so do you.
She can’t do much to keep you safe if she’s not there, but she knows you can handle yourself very well. Yes, she worries, of course she does, but she also knows you wouldn’t let yourself get hurt that easily. She always tells you that the stars are keeping you safe.
Astra fears losing you, as would anyone with their s/o. It’s not her only fear, but it’s her biggest one. So despite being a little busy, she does her best to make time for you, and include you in everything she can. 
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Skye’s not too big on pda, in fact, she’s more of an “acts of service” type of girl. She always brings you the things she’s either made or found out in the wild, things like wooden pieces she’s carved are her favorite to bring back to you. When it’s just the two of you though, she’s rather touchy, always having her fingers laced with yours or an arm around your waist. 
That being said, Skye is hugeeee on cuddles. Anytime you two had a moment to sit together she had you wrapped in her arms. Either outside in the middle of nature or in the middle of the night, tangled together in bed, she just really loves to hold you. 
Similar to Sage, Skye is very iffy on you going on a mission without her. Especially when there’s no healer at all. She feels the need to keep you safe, always, if there’s no way to do that, she can get a little anxious. She knows you can keep yourself safe, but she always says it never hurts to have backup. 
Skye isn’t one to fear much, but she absolutely hates seeing you hurt. Of course she can heal and whatnot, but she’d like to avoid you having injuries in the first place. She knows this isn’t realistic, especially given your line of work, but she still does her best to make sure your injuries are minimal if not nonexistent. 
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smolweeblets · 1 year ago
Info about this blog
You can call me Aerika or Aeri, and this is my writing blog. Mixed with a little ramblings here and there. I am a lesbian and multifandom, but I do mainly write for AOT.
Before you interact more, here are my basic rules and what to expect
Seeing that youre here, I suppose youd be interested in taking a nice stroll through my masterlist?
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hollowbutcanlove · 4 months ago
Correspondence with Valorant agents Pt.6
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wisteriaiswriting · 10 months ago
Omen, Viper, Killjoy and Kay/o with an Danger Prone S/o
𝔻𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣 ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕊/𝕆
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Words: 457
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When something small is about to happen and he notices, he’ll either successfully or try to prevent it.
Often enough he’ll just teleport you away from the area.
Sometimes he debates to never leave you alone or with any of the ‘dangerous’ agents.
Has taken to knitting something small each time you return / become injured.
He now has an overflowing shelf and basket full of ‘em.
Now he has taken to hiding some of them around the base for fun. (And hopefully a sign for you to stop getting hurt!!)
Will give some of the older ones to hide and gift them for others.
If you become injured at all he’ll try to help with anything.
On missions he’ll try to watch over you for as long as possible.
When you become injured he’ll stay around you the whole time.
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She at least knows the basics about first aid, so she can care for you if needed. (Which is a lot)
But the amount of times she has to help you?
Lord give her strength, cause soon enough she might be the reason you see Sage.
Is clear about you to stay near her on missions.
She will use all her abilities to try keep you near her and safe.
If you have to go on a mission, she’ll try to choose the safest option available.
There is no escaping any of her lectures or scoldings after any kind of injury.
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She really tries to keep you safe and away from anything that could be remotely dangerous to you.
Will create a multitude of bots to follow you around base, alarming her when something that could be dangerous is around.
Watches your stats during missions the most, even if the others are worse she knows you could suddenly drop.
But when you're on a mission and she’s not, she’s watching them nearly 24/7.
Is the first person you see in the hangar once you return from the mission.
Even if she sees Sage check you, she’ll do her own check over just in case you’ve managed to hurt yourself within those few seconds of landing.
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Ever since he joined the protocol he’s been made aware of your ‘habits.’
So he has made plenty of plans and protocols surrounding you.
Constantly hangs around you when there's any possibility of danger around.
Often enough he’s able to predict, detect or notice any incoming danger so he can pull you away.
He’s not one to scold you, instead he trys to figure out why you’re so danger prone.
Ever since he’s joined you on missions and trips there has been a slight decrease in your visits to Sage.
So everyone has given him the unofficial label of your babysitter.
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floppydiskettess · 2 years ago
featuring : cypher, sova, chamber, yoru, raze and killjoy, phoenix
a/n : HELP ok omg i didnt think people would actually like my shitty writing !!! im now oddly motivated to write? :0
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anyways! lets begin!! tw for cyphers part, i like cypher angst..
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cypher truly loves you, but he is still recovering from losing nora.
be patient with him, he still has a lot of trauma and stress in his life that he is dealing with.
he often needs reminders to take care of himself. he usually gets lost in his work
if he is having a bad day, he locks his door and buries himself in his work.
if he let you inside on a bad day, he would be a bit grouchy. he is used to keeping his walls up. but after a few reassurances, loving touches, and kind whispers. he would crack.
he feels weak when he cries, he tries his best not to but he cannot keep it in sometimes
when he cries, he is soothed by the feeling of your hands on his masked face and your loving whispers in his ear. the mask often feels suffocating, but he just cannot bring himself to take it off.
he is extremely insecure...after years of battles (both with himself, and Kingdom) he has quite a few scars littering his body. he mostly covers up fully with his mask and long sleeves. he wouldn't show you himself until he really was ready to, so don't push him! he will when he is ready.
when he does show you though, you know he really trusts you.
he melts everytime you kiss one of his scars gently, it made him love that part of him self a little more.
if you have had a bad day, he will drop everything to help. if someone made you upset? oh boy...are they in for it.
he has a lot of bad days so this is nothing new to him, he knows how you feel and knows exactly how to cheer you up.
you are definitely his rock, your presence grounds him.
he is extremely sentimental. he would definetely gift you a photo album of all the key points and locations in your relationship.
he is a worrywart, if your on a risky mission he is keeping tabs on you at all time..
he often has nightmares about losing you or losing his home. once you found out, you got him to sleep in your bed. his nightmares happen significantely less since then..
he has experience in relationships..he was married after all.
his love language is words of affirmation!!!
"im so proud of you حبي.. you did so well darling!"
be careful with this man's heart, it is already extremely fragile..
if he lost you too, he would lose himself.
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his love language is definitely quality time!!!
he loves to spend time with his lover, he definitely plans tons of sentimental dates!
sentiment over price kinda guy. you could give him a dead flower from the area you met and he would be touched deeply.
he is not afraid to cry! he encourages you to express your emotions rather than bottling it up.
after a particulararely long mission, he would arrive at your room and the second you open the door he would bearhug you.
when you are upset, if you like physical affection he will carry you to the bed and cuddle with you.
if you are not up to doing basic things such as eating or bathing, he will pamper you :)
he would always be delighted to cook you a meal or wash your hair for you in the shower if you were not up to it.
he would whisper reassurences into your ear and cradle your face in his large hands
this man LOVES cuddles
big spoon, but on bad days he likes to be held
his favourite thing is when you run your hands through his hair !
he is not afraid to show his love for you in public, not as a "their mine" sort of way, he just loves to show his love for you at all times
he would greet you with a deep kiss on the lips as his handles cradled your face
he isn't an really jealous person, he trusts you and your judgement and he knows that you won't leave him. but if he sees someone getting a little too close to you and you don't pick up on their motive. you will probably feel a big hand go around your waist as he glares down at the person.
he is a big guy with a big heart :)
"лисичка..I love you so much, don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
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this man doesn't really understand some social cues.
for example...he will still flirt with other women. its kinda just how he is
but if you feel upset and he (somehow) noticed on his own, he will get worried.
"mon beau? what's wrong...you have been acting strangely lately......oh...oh no no darling i am so sorry...i promise anything i have said i don't mean...i love you so much."
he has a big fuckin ego....
compliment him, he will love you forever.
he loves to tease you, but he knows the limits.
he isn't the best at comforting people, he usually just settles for a pat on the back and wrapping an arm around your waist or neck.
he would be a decent partner. he loves to overuse the petnames though
he used to buy you expensive things thinking he could buy your love, but then he realized that price isn't what matters.
you definitely helped him grow as a person. though he still is quite cocky.
big spoon. have you seen this lanky ass mf???
he LOVES bragging about you.
he will make sure everyone knows that your his partner. he will kiss you in public.
if someone is flirting with you, oh he will waltz right over and press a deep kiss to your lips.
"ready to go mon chéri?"
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hes a tsundere, obviously?
he really cares about you, often giving you "disgsuting goo goo eyes“ (- Jett, 2050)
if you called him out he would immediately look away and deny it though.
he is much softer with you in private, opting for a loving hug when he is alone with you
this man is so touch starved
if he is in a bad mood, he gets really snappy with everyone. he tries to shut you out but in the end he either never has the heart to or he says something he regrets.
"shit...im so sorry..i didn't mean to say that ダーリン ..i am just really tired right now, ok?"
if you were to forgive him, he would be treading carefully. trying his best not to accidentally say something else upsetting to you.
if you had a nightmare, his heart would break at the sight of your crying face. "doll..can you tell me what you need right now so i can help you?"
he would wrap you in a hug, pushing your face against his chest. he would be whispering sweet reassurances into your ear as you began to drift back to sleep.
oh if you tease him in the morning about it though he will absolutely deny everything.
he tries to act like he doesn't like you, but he really just doesn't know how to show his affection.
if you got sick, he would be at your bedside with warm food (that he definitely did not make himself. it's not like he cares..), medicine, and your favourite movies.
"shut up...i am only doing this so you arn't a liability on the mission ok?? we don't need a sick person.."
he is extremely domestic, but he would never admit it
expect to spend the next few days curled up to his chest as he lovingly stroked your hair, tucking peices behind your ears.
he is not much of a gift giver or a words of affirmation kind of guy. he struggles with his words. he is definetely a acts of service and quality time kind of guy!
he would rather have you in his arms then a stupidly expensive gift in his hands.
"愛してます idiot..."
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◜Raze and Killjoy◞
POLY !!!!!!!!!!!!
having these two as your girlfriends would be amazing.
they are so different yet so similar!!
raze is the loud extrovert, killjoy is the omnivert!
raze would definitely be the more physically affectionate of the two! killjoy would be much more emotionally affectionate.
raze would greet you with a chaste kiss on the cheek, a bearhug, or (if she feels bold) a kiss on the lips! she would not be scared to do it in public either. she gives off "THATS RIGHT!!!! THIS IS MY PARTNER AND I LOVE THEM!!!!" vibes.
killjoy is the total opposite, she is not a big fan of pda. in public she would greet you with a light hug or a highfive. but in private? she would be all over you. she would pepper your face in sweet kisses and eskimo kisses! she also loves to hug you from behind. she is much much more shy about being public than raze is though!
when they are together you are often sandwiched inbetween them. raze offering physical love while killjoy is more emotional.
if you were upset, raze would freeze up. she isn't very good with emotions...if she were upset she would just go blow some stuff up and problem solved! but that doesn't always work for others.. she would still offer you a gentle hug and would trace shapes on your back similar to what her mother did for her as a kid.
if you were upset around killjoy, she would rush to comfort you. "please leibling...talk to me. i am here...i hate seeing you like this..".
Killjoy is a very good listener. She would patiently listen to your troubles as she rubbed your back sympathetically. She has had her fair share of anxiety so she understands what you are going through.
overall, they equal eachother out.
you are grateful to have your girlfriends, you recieve and give equal love to them and nobody feels left out.
raze is more a gift giver while KJ is totally a acts of service person!
raze would probably try (and fail.) to make you baked goods if you have a sweet tooth!
"I'm sorry darling!! I tried to bake you cookies but it was taking too long....so I used my blowtorch and they burned....T-T"
killjoy often has to pick up the peices (literally. the peices of the charred cookies. Seriously how did raze think a blowtorch could bake cookies?!"
can you tell I love these two??
these two are the perfect girlfriends!!!!
"i love you so much maus." "hey!! what about me? :(" "pff, i love you as well schatz." "much better :)"
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he is a softie for his lover and my guy is not afraid to show it
he will give you big hugs as a greeting or if you did really good on a mission
"fam that was simply amazing! i am so proud of you!"
he really loves to show you off to the other agents
"look at my brilliant partner! arn't they just so cute?" "......phoenix you literally have showed us this picture like 20 times holy fuck."
he is a big physical affection guy, he loves to wake up holding you in his arms as you softly snore into his chest. he would give you a sweet and gentle kiss on the forehead before snuggling closer to you and drifting off to sleep. yoru wouldn't mind if he missed training for a day..
if you were trying to tell him something serious or just generally looked distraught, his playful and carefree demeanor would instantly vanish and turn into a caring and concerned gaze.
"is everything ok love? you don't have to tell me anything if you are not ready yet. but just know i am here for you and whatever it is... i will support you."
if you opened up to him, he would be by your side in an instant and holding you gently in his arms and softly pressing kisses to your forehead and temple.
"oh darling...thank you so much for telling me this. i am happy you told me. i love you so much alright? please don't ever feel scared to talk to me."
if you woke up with your face pressed into his back, his soft snores filling the silence in the room. you sure were not about to complain.
he really cares for you, and will do anything to make you feel better
you are his everything, and he is truly grateful that you want to keep him around..
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a/n : i really enjoyed writing this!! you can probably tell i struggled to write chambers part...i thought he would be easier to write LOL. anyhoozies i hope you enjoyed this!!! and thank you so much for the support on my last post, waking up to so many people liking my post had me giggling and kicking my feet around i swear <333333
as always i am looking forward to some feedback!! let me know what i could do better, if i used anything wrong, or even just if you liked it or not!
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lost-gladiator · 10 months ago
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description. after a failed mission on Earth-1 you disappear and is quickly presumed dead, a few months later after the official announcement of your assumed passing they see you between their omega earth versions
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pairings. viper, neon, sage, jett, killjoy, reyna + f! reader
warnings. mention of death, character death, mourning, grief, self-destructive behavior,
moss' notes. moss was trying to go for something like the ‘five stages of grief’
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—𝐕𝐈𝐏𝐄𝐑 ; anger
sabine’s anger was aimed at everyone because everyone was at fault, they didn’t stop you, nobody was with you to provide back up, . her neatly organized and perfect suit in her eyes turned into a mess, even though everything was the same. nothing was in place; nothing was in harmony with one another and soon she turned it into the clutter everyone could see. that few pieces of your clothes, a book you read, pencils, and pictures of the two of you together were damaged by the fury of the scientist. soon all that anger turns into guilt and that guilt turns into more anger as she goes by with her days.
“it’s all of your fault, thinking it was a great idea to send her in there, to leave her alone and to take your sweet time to arrive to where she was! you all should be ashamed of yourself and think about what kind of ‘hero’ you all call yourselves.”
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—𝐍𝐄𝐎𝐍 ; denial
maybe it’s her young age or just that after all that happened tala is once again in denial about your death, always reminding everyone at the protocol that if they were able to see your omega-self, there is a possibility that you are still alive somewhere. that given that the two-worlds mirror each other one way or another it only proves that you are somewhere out there. as worrying as it sounds, denial stays with tala for a long time, years could go by, and she would still be waiting for you to walk inside the protocol perfectly fine.
“it is not crazy to think that she is out there, in fact it’s genius! we might not know a lot about that other earth but what we do know they mirror each other! she is alive, we should be out there looking!”
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—𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄 ; bargaining
ying wei is going over every single event that happened during the mission, from the first time she heard your voice in the earpiece, seen you leap forward to take your position, the last time she heard and soon found herself creating a lot of “what if” and “if only”. she finds herself asking a higher power, the spirit world for answers, a way to go back in time and do it right- it eats her up, guilt settling in the more time she spent thinking about it. if she wasn't already sleep deprived, she definitely was now.
“rest? no, i got some you don't have to worry about me. i lost track a couple of times when I was going over… some stuff. i'll be fine, don't worry."
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—𝐉𝐄𝐓𝐓 ; denial
sunwoo is pretending, denying that your loss ever happened and constantly reminds herself that you are not gone, you’ll come around the corner any second. she was pacing back and forth in your room, telling brimstone that he would have packed up your room and took it to storage if he really believed you were dead. something in her told her she wasn’t rational to wait for she went numb shortly after lying to herself wasn’t suppressing her feelings any longer, the child-like radiant turning into a picture of a cold, uncaring, and quiet person. think like viper but constantly picking a fight instead of avoiding them.
“can't we all just agree that none of what you all claim makes sense? she is not dead and you don't realize it but you think so too. either get out of my hair or start helping me find her."
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—𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐉𝐎𝐘 ; bargaining
klara closes herself in her workshop, keep trying and trying, searching for an answer to the “what if it they were faulty? what if they were just a little bit better? were they malfunctioning?”, face buried deep in her blueprints. she took apart every single one of her invention, even the ones she hasn’t used on that specific date because if only she had put more effort into her invention, you wouldn’t be gone. during her investigation she offers herself to that someone above all else to take your place, that if it brings you back it can take her instead.
“I don’t need to take a break, I have to find what is wrong with my bots. god, if any of you knew what I was talking about! they were malfunctioning, only if i knew for what reason…"
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—𝐑𝐄𝐘𝐍𝐀 ; anger
zyanya blamed you and only you for what happened that day, if you haven’t been so hot-headed and got in the middle of things alone you would be here. although she wouldn’t aim her anger at anyone at the protocol, she would be breaking things, inanimate objects that either had something that reminded her of you or was just the closest to put the blame on and get her anger out on. she didn’t have the slightest remorse when she destroyed anyone’s personal belongings. it would take her anger some time to quiet down and the never-ending loop of being happy to remember the time she got with you and just breaking down over your loss.
“it was her fault, the mistake she made was running into the middle of the fight and not away from it. it was selfish and look where that got her! i wouldn't even risk going back in time if i had the chance, she got what she deserved…"
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smaamy · 2 months ago
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found this on reddit today and I’m fucking pissing myself ( Pls tell me who made this so I can give credit )
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redroses07 · 6 months ago
Last night I had a dream that Gerard Way was my therapist, and he told me that mcr5 was being released soon. Reputable source?
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saltyyuuri · 3 months ago
Just released a beginning of fic on Wattpad (@saltyyuuri ; 🪷Druid🪷 Iso x reader) , if y'all like it I'll continue it, just not sure if it's aight
In the meantime; here's a "what if":
What if: You told them "We're having a baby!"
Brimstone: "Really?! I'm so happy, love!"
Would re-arrange his schedule to spend time to help. Would make sure to get the best for you and the baby, no matter what
Phoenix; "Oh shit- Like for real for real?"
Would probably be nervous at first- then be chill and brag about it. But when the day comes- he's even more stressed than you.
Sage: "A child?"
She is confused - until you bring back a baby plant. She treasures the plant.
Sova: "You're pregnant??🥹🥹"
Absolute golden retriever moment- he is ecstatic. Except you aren't pregnant - you brought back a baby owl. He was even happier.
Viper: "That's a covid test. Now stay away."
It was in fact a covid test. Sorry.
Cypher: "Ah! A new chess buddy on the way :)"
Is chill about it, takes care of your needs. But he will teach the kid chess- the guy just wants a chess student.
Reyna: "another one?💀"
She thought you were talking about a new recruit. She would jokingly call them babies since they didn't know the ropes. Until you brought her a kitten :)
Killjoy: "how is that even possible?"
She immediately went to find you. You showed her the robot design you made. You meant it as a 'baby project'/ a creation made from the two of you.
Breach: "You know my entire bloodline is felons? Like this kid is going to be a felon."
Good luck with that.
Omen: "pardon?"
A kitten. You got him a kitten. You made the poor guy stress knit a tiny sweater- which he fixed so it would fit the kitten.
Jett: "Nah-🧑‍🦯"
Had to show her the tests. And re do some.
Raze: "What??!! Wait so am I like- the mom or-??"
She ended up spending an hour trying to figure out if she would be a mom or like a stand-in dad. That was until you brought her the keys to a Chevrolet Chevelle (like the car in the player card with Raze and breach)
Skye: "What do you mean-"
You actually meant you carved a wood sculpture of an animal for her to bring to life with her radiant powers.
Yoru: "Not mine."
Ghosted you.
Astra: "I know! I could feel it in your aura 💜"
Is genuinely happy about it, keeps you chill through the whole process
Kay/o: "I think you have the wrong person."
... Seriously though, it's a robot.
Chamber: "Oh la la... Je vais chercher du lait, Chérie."
You didn't understand his French, so you nod and smile.
Neon: "what?? But I'm baby 😭!!"
You sent her a pic of a pink rabbit plushie saying that was the baby. She agreed - it was now the baby.
Fade: "Oh shit... I'm not ready to be a mom-"
You reassured her by sending a picture of the cat you rescued, a black cat that looked way too energetic. She immediately said yes- it's name is Nightmare. So whenever she says "Nightmare, take them!", the kitty just jumps on whoever's closest. Yes, it was trained to do that.
Harbor: "Wait- but I pulled out?''
You had to explain to him that it can still happen - just like that very uncomfortable science class you had in high school. But once it's all cleared up, he gets into dad mode pretty fast.
Gekko: "Oh boy- we already have 4 kids here!! 😭"
His critters are his kids. And honestly he's a great critter dad. That's why you got a pet gecko - to add yet another baby critter to the family.
Deadlock: "Oh- Alright."
She is already looking into parenthood prep classes.
Iso: "Is it a 'congrats' or 'Im sorry' pregnancy -"
He didn't fully process what you said, and just instinctively kicked in with the logical question instead of reacting emotionally-
Took him a few seconds but went well!
Clove: "Uhhhh.. how?"
You swung by their dorm and gave them a jar with a growing salt crystal- the crystal was growing slowly on a string :) they check it's progress every day
Vyse: "... Honey, that's not biologically possible . Plus, I bent you over with a strap-"
She proceeded to explain basic biology and how it wasn't possible especially considering she bent you, to which you replied with a picture of a rose bush sprout. She simply responded with "Oh. Cute 💜". And she takes care of the rose plant, going as far as researching the best way to tend to it.
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